Monday, September 12, 2011

Why Muslim Ummah Failed to Uphold Justice

Islam maintained Adl (Justice) for centuries but it collapsed due to lack of faith and our unwillingness to abide by Qur’aan and Sunnah anymore. Ummah fell for manmade laws, consequently today’s political, economic and social unrest prevailing in Islamic world originated from the system in which the principles of Adl and Ahsaan are clearly missing. This absence has led to the rapid growth of intolerance, religious hatred, sectarianism and ignorance. The Muslim Ummah today stands isolated, confused and in a constant state of shock. We as Muslims are ashamed of our religion and religious beliefs.
Justice (Adl) is one of the divine attributes of Islam. Be it social, economic or judicial field, the basic principles of justice as enshrined in the Holy Qur’aan and Sunnah of the Holy prophet (Peace be upon him) forms the basis for every system. Islam is a religion of peace and harmony. True peace is not possible without a justice system. The reason being that justice in its true form strikes a balance between the oppressed and the oppressor.

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